You'll Never Want To Brush Your Teeth Again After Reading This
- Publish Date
- Friday, 5 June 2015, 10:35AM
I think we can all agree looking after your teeth and gums is pretty important! After all, it gets stupidly expensive if you don't.
But what if we told you there's a 60% chance that your toothbrush is covered in poo!
Really!!!  A recent study held in bathrooms at a university in the USA has found that there’s a pretty high chance your toothbrush has poo particles on it, Gross right?! But what’s worse, it’s almost definitely not your own.
The bacteria from the poo makes contact with toothbrushes after spreading through the air as a result of actions like flushing the toilet.
What this means is that if you’re brushing your teeth in a public or shared bathroom, you’re likely taking in someone else’s bacteria, viruses or parasites through their poo.
Using a toothbrush cover doesn’t help either - it actually creates an environment where bacteria can more easily thrive.
Sooo gross.