Woman faked her own wedding in an effort to get her ex to text her

Getting over a break-up is a messy business. There are many stages to grief but generally, once the puddles of tears have dried up there is a very normal phase where your social media becomes a testament to how amazing you are without them and how they should really want you back.
One woman took things even further, however, when she used social media to stage a fake wedding, in an effort to get her exes attention.
Earlier this month, TikTok user @dieschakin shared the bizarre story of how she thought staging her wedding would get her ex to text her, but things didn't quite go according to plan.
"Remembering the time I faked my own wedding and had a professional photo shoot so he would reach out," she wrote on TikTok. The woman then shared photos from the shoot, which showed her in a stunning white wedding gown, with her and make-up professionally done, holding a bouquet of white roses.
Photo / TikTok
Not only did the woman transform herself into a beautiful bride, she also somehow wrangled herself a gorgeous groom, who also appears in the staged photos. In fact, the staged wedding was so elaborate there was even a glamour shot with a horse.
"Worst part is, he watched my story and didn't reach out," she captioned the clip.
"Should've done an engagement shoot – once the wedding happens, it's too late," one commented.
Photo / TikTok
"Why did you bring the horse into this?!" another joked.
Meanwhile, a third wrote: "Why would he reach out to a woman who is about to be married?!"
The video, which has been viewed more than 146,000 times, has some speculating that the whole photo shoot was part of a modelling job that the woman took advantage of. If not, many have saluted her efforts as she must have dropped thousands of dollars on her fake wedding, all to get the attention of her ex, and fail.
This article was first published by the NZ Herald and is republished here with permission.