UNO confirms controversial rule that most of us don't follow and it's divided the internet

Photo / Mattel, Instagram
Hands up if you spent your childhood playing numerous games of UNO? Us too.
But apparently we've all been playing it wrong this whole time!
It turns out we've been using the draw 4 card incorrectly and the game's maker doubled down on the real rules in a post to Twitter.
"If someone puts down a +4 card, you must draw 4 and your turn is skipped. You can't put down a +2 to make the next person Draw 6." UNO wrote on the social media platform.
"We know you've tried it," they added, insinuating that any player who tried this tactic was cheating.
They also clarified that the same rule applies to all other card combinations.
However, many UNO players were not convinced!
In a poll hosted by the game's Twitter page, a whopping 81.3 per cent said that they stack the cards even though it's against the official rules.
UNO revealed that there is specific a way to get someone back if they through down a +2 or +4 at you.
"When someone plays a Draw 2 card on you, if you have a Reverse card of the SAME COLOUR, you can play it and the penalty bounces back onto them! Now they have to draw the penalty cards!" they wrote on Twitter.
Hmmm ...
And this isn't the first time an obscure UNO rule has been pointed out ...
UNO enthusiast LaToya McCaskill Stallings zeroed on another rule not widely followed, leaving many gobsmacked!
Taking to Facebook to share her new-found knowledge, LaToya revealed: "So it's taken me 35 years on this earth to realise that I've been playing UNO wrong since I was a kid.
"Did y'all know that you can only play the Draw 4 Wild card IF you have NO other cards that can be played? AND if you suspect that someone has illegally played this card, they have to show you their hand. AND if they, in fact, played the card illegally they must draw 4, but if not, the person who challenged the play must DRAW 6?"
Did you know about these rules?