This is how many clothes you should buy for your newborn baby

We all know that having a baby doesn't come with a manual. 

Luckily for us, the internet provides some amazing tips and tricks on how you can prepare for your little one. 

One big question is always, 'how many clothes do I need?'

Sleeping Should Be Easy has answered this for us (after her experience with 3 babies!), and says you'll need enough clothes for one week. 

Here's a breakdown of her list:

  • 14-21 x onesies
  • 14 x pairs of pants
  • 7-10 x pajamas
  • 7-10 x pairs of socks
  • 2-3 x swaddles
  • 2 x sleep sacks
  • 1 x hat
  • 2 -3 x jackets or sweaters

She also recommends having an extra onesie, pair of pants and socks to carry around with you just in case.

Happy shopping!

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