These are the top five things Kiwi Dads actually want for Father's Day

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Believe it or not, Dad's don't always want socks or a tie on Father's Day ... but then the question is, what DO they want?
We've tried to get to the bottom of what Kiwi Dads are really hoping they'll get from their little ones this Sunday ...
Here are the top five things NZ Father's said they'd like most:
1. A nice bottle of whiskey
Nothing can beat a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue Label. Kiwi Dads want a taste of their favourite tipple, but if an expensive bottle of booze is out of your price range, you can always take them out to the pub for a few beers, like Sam does with his Pa.Â
2. A box of chocolates
That's right! It's not only Mums who love their chocolates! NZ Fathers would be stoked to crack open a box of Roses, Scorched Almonds, or Ferrero Rochers this Sunday morning.
3. Something handmade
According to doting Kiwi Daddys, they would absolutely love to receive something drawn or handcrafted by their little ones. Better get out the crayons, markers, glue and macaroni and let your kids go wild creating something awesome for their Dad.
4. Special alone time with their Mrs
As much as they love to be woken up with breakfast in bed by their kids, NZ Dads admit that after the cuddles with their kids in the morning, they'd love nothing more than some alone time so they can enjoy some 'special cuddles' with their lovely lady. Anyone know any good babysitters free this Sunday?
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5. To spend time with their KIDS
Above all, Kiwi Fathers say they want to spend the day hanging out with their kids! So bring your Dad some joy this Father's Day and spend the day doing some of your favourite activities together!
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