Study reveals exactly how much sleep you've lost since having a baby

It's hardly a surprising fact that becoming a parent equals a lack of sleep.
But have you ever wondered just how much shut-eye you're losing?
Well, wonder no more!
Research has found that first-time mums can expect to face about SIX YEARS of sleep deprivation!
Researchers tracking the sleep of thousands of men and women found that shuteye hit a low about three months after birth – with the effect strongest in women.
And while parents gradually saw an improvement in their sleep as their firstborn grew, it seems their night-time rest was never quite the same again
The study found that women lost an hour of sleep per night for the first three months after the birth of a first child, and about 40 minutes of sleep a night in the year after a baby arrived, regardless of whether it was a first child or not.
So what about dads?
They lost a mere 13 minutes per night!