Mental Health Awareness Week: The Hits team share how they fit in 'me-time'

It's Mental Health Awareness Week - which is always a good time to look at the simple things we can do every day to help support our mental health.

Here some of The Hits team share the things they try to incorporate into their daily lives.


"This is me lying on the driveway meditating at home. Usually, I spend 10 minutes every morning before work. However, please forgive me this pic was taken during daylight hours, and the sun was directly in my eyes. I’m typically looking up at the stars, breathing, and attempting to be present, but then I start thinking about the universe and space, which takes me wildly off track at times. Find it's a nice way to start the day and practice gratitude before the shambles of the day take hold."


"Stepping away from my devices and spending quality time with my family really helps my mental health and gives me a better perspective on what truly matters. I just need to make a point of doing it more often!"


"It’s very cliché, but exercise always improves my mood. At the moment Pilates is my absolute jam, it’s almost like meditation for me, it relaxes my body and mind. But I also just love being outside and feeling the sun on my face, nothing beats it."


"Earlier this year, PJ and I committed to running a half marathon. The training started slow, but after a while, I found myself really champing at the bit to hit the pavements. It became an escape for me - after a crazy day at work, or a busy social calendar, it was my way of unwinding. I've found it's done wonders for clearing my head, while also keeping me physically fit. I've found running incredibly beneficial to my mental health."


"We are so fortunate to live so close to native bush and it is very easy to forget that this is my remedy when feeling stuck, yuck or in a rut! Literally, a 30 minute walk in nature will clear my head so much and put things into perspective making me realise the sky isn't actually falling in!"


"I've started automatically having my phone go to airplane mode and it turns off all notifications in the early evening after a work day. I don't get much joy from my device and mindless 'scrolling' on apps doesn't help my mental health, so it's a way that I can unplug and have family time without interruptions."


"Over the past few years I have become more in tune with my mental health. Instead of hiding behind the facade of 'always coping' or 'always being happy' I tend to share more - if a friend asks how I am, instead of the auto pilot of 'good thanks' I will share if I'm struggling or over-whelmed. I think the more we are open and discuss our mental health, the more honest our friends and family will be. For my ME time I love listening to a good podcast, going for a walk, catching up with friends OR just having quiet, calm time. Mental Health - it's something that I think most people will struggle with at some time or another. It's a reminder also that we need to be present for those around us."


"I'm so pleased we have a mental health awareness week. Aren't we lucky with the amount of resources and information we have available now on our beautiful brains? I can hands down say my mental health is being helped tremendously at the moment thanks to replacing some essential hormones that are rapidly depleting! And for other happy hormones that don't involve a prescription I go for 0% drinky poo's when I can and plenty of Hawkes Bay sunshine."


"Moving gives me the ability to cope with "more in life".  Being on, in, and under the ocean soothes my body and mind."

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