It turns out we've been pronouncing Nutella wrong this entire time!

A lot of people love Nutella.
In fact, so many people love Nutella we skip using it as a spread and just eat the beloved hazelnut goodness straight out of the jar by the spoonful.
But, the question is - have you been pronouncing Nutella right?
Chances are, probably not.
Is it Nutella like "nuh-tell-ah"?
Apparently not!
Despite what many people think, the "correct" pronunciation according to Ferrero Rocher's Nutella USA site, is "new-tell-uh."
And apparently, it all comes down to Nutella's Italian in origin, where the "U" is pronounced as "oo" and not "uh" - like how you'd say Gucci for example.
So that's that debate settled once and for all.