Sets Of Your Favourite 90s TV Shows!
1/9 Inside the Friends apartment! Photo- Getty Images
2/9 There is no way you could afford an apartment as big as the one from Friends in New York! Photo- Getty Images
3/9 The infamous Central Perk from Friends. Photo- Getty Images
4/9 Jerry's Apartment from Seinfeld. Photo- Getty Images
5/9 More from Jerry's apartment including the rarely seen kitchen wall. Photo- Getty Images
6/9 Sadly, it wasn't a real diner Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer hung out at... Photo- Getty Images
7/9 Inside the Taylor house from Home Improvement starring Tim Allen. Photo- Getty Images
8/9 The house from Home Improvement almost looks like a real home! Photo- Getty Images
9/9 The Taylor bedroom doesn't look as real... Photo- Getty Images
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Sets Of Your Favourite 90s TV Shows!
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Source- Getty Images