MORE Sets Of Your Favourite 90s TV Shows!
1/10 Will the same set be used in the Full House reboot? Photo- Getty Images
2/10 Stair to nowhere prove they didn't actually film Full House in San Fran. Photo- Getty Images
3/10 Will & Grace's bizarre apartment. Photo- Getty Images
4/10 Breaking the Fourth wall of Will & Grace. Photo- Getty Images
5/10 Frasier Crane's radio studio looked a lot more real on TV! Photo- Getty Images
6/10 Really HIGH ceilings in the Frasier apartment. Photo- Getty Images
7/10 Everybody Loves Raymond! Photo- Getty Images
8/10 The not-so-real kitchen from Everybody Loves Raymond. Photo- Getty Images
9/10 Saved by the Bell seems SO long ago! Photo- Getty Images
10/10 This is definitely another staircase to nowhere! Photo- Getty Images
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Sets Of Your Favourite 90s TV Shows!
MORE Sets Of Your Favourite 90s TV Shows!
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It's always crazy going behind the scenes of TV shows and we thought we'd check out more sets including Full House, Frasier, Will & Grace plus Saved By The Bell!
Speaking of Full House... we cannot wait for the spinoff on Netflix.
See the first set pics of your favourite 90s TV show sets HERE including Seinfeld!
Source- Getty Images