NEWS: Electric Chargers Coming To Taupo?
- Publish Date
- Tuesday, 5 July 2016, 3:15PM

Taupo District Council is seeking expressions of interest from providers of electric vehicle chargers as the vehicles become more popular and the need to accommodate them increases.
Infrastructure manager Denis Lewis said ownership and use of electric vehicles was on the rise and motorists were increasingly able to drive longer distances in electric vehicles. Most could travel about 120 kilometres before needing to recharge.
Like other tourist spots, the Taupo District needed to consider how to accommodate these vehicles if it wanted to attract more business, he said.
“Taupo is the hub of the central North Island and as such it’s a perfect spot for electric vehicle chargers,” Mr Lewis said. “So many people visit Taupo and this will give those driving electric vehicles in our patch another reason to stop and stay a while.”
The addition of the charging stations would also support the Taupo District’s commitment to being clean and green, promoting sustainable energy sources and protection of the environment, he said.
The council is proposing to use the car park between Roberts and Tūwharetoa streets for the electric vehicle chargers, but it will not confirm a location until it has gauged the level of interest.
Expressions of interest for the supply of chargers can be lodged with the council by Friday, July 29.