Try it Out Tuesday - Estelle tries out some Summer Vibe Mocktails
2/13 Strawberry Coconut Cooler - half a cup of cucumber, one cup of strawberries, one cup of coconut water and ice
3/13 chuck a handful of ice the cucumber and strawbs into a blender or nutribullet
5/13 Add the cup of coconut water too
6/13 Blitz
7/13 Pour into two glasses of your choice and slurp! Super easy to make, simple ingredients, quite refreshing but that unusual thing where it's not quite sweet or savoury. More like a palette cleanser.
8/13 Going Troppo - half cup of pineapple (I've used the tinned stuff here coz didn't have fresh), Fresh ginger about a 2cm by 2cm piece, Gingerbeer, Lime Juice about two tablespoons (fresh would be best but I couldn't get any at the store waahh!) Ice.
9/13 Smash up the fresh ginger, pineapple and lime juice (could also blitz in blender to help mix it up and get juice out.)
10/13 Smashed up with some ice in there too
11/13 Add gingerbeer, I added about half a bottle
12/13 Stir, add straw, sip somewhere cool and calm
13/13 Loved this one! Sweet and spicy. Refreshing and tropical.
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If you're wanting to change things up a bit for your summer drinking perhaps a zingy, fresh 'mocktail' is what you need?
I've seen heaps of recipes around for tasty non-alcoholic drinks but besides a lemonade or plain ginger beer I've never really had a go at making a mocktail.
Time to change it up. I've got heaps of mint growing in our garden so a Faux-Jito came to mind - lots of mint and ginger-beer, but it felt like too obvious of a combo to try so instead my man and I mixed up and swilled on 'Strawberry Coconut Coolers' and 'Going Troppo' mocktails.
Maybe you're wanting something different in between alcoholic beverages, you've given up the booze, don't drink or are keen to surprise guests with some different types of drinks. Here's a couple of ideas and our thoughts after tasting.Â