The hilarious moment Jono and Ben broke Zoom after Zooming for almost 24 hours!

They said it couldn't be done, but Jono and Ben have set the world record for the longest Zoom call ever!
Kicking off at 8am on Wednesday, May 13 Jono and Ben embarked on the Zoom call to end all Zoom calls, but what they didn't expect was this ...
Their aim was a full 24 hours, but in the final hour the Zoom call dramatically cut out in the middle of talking to Kiwi celebrity chef Nadia Lim - making their time 23 hours and 39 minutes.
... Which, by the way, is still a new world record!
Chris Mac of Six60 - who had joined Jono and Ben several times throughout their Zoomathon journey - called in for one last time to officiate their achievement!
Good on ya boys!
Watch the full Zoom call here and on the Jono and Ben Facebook page!
Follow Jono and Ben on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest laughs and check out their new podcast on iHeartRadio.