Kiwi baking star Jordan Rondell shares her top three tips for making the perfect cake

Want to know the secret to the perfect homemade cake?

The Caker Jordan Rondell caught up with Jono and Ben to share her top tips.

The self-taught baker is making waves in the US and is now one of the judges in the all-new season of The Great Kiwi Bake Off, which starts tonight on TVNZ1.

So how do you go about making the most delicious cakes, just follow these three tips from Jordan:

Tip 1:

"First of all, get to know your oven because that really is going to affect the way that your cake turned out,” Jordan says. "You can't exactly follow a recipe as gospel because it's very hard for a recipe writer to make a bake time and a bake temp for every single oven. 

"There's gas and then there's electric, all different results will come from that."

Tip 2:

"The second thing is investing in good quality ingredients because It will make a huge difference. There's just, no, there's no doubt about it," she says.

Tip 3:

"The third thing is if you are using a flour which contains gluten to just be super careful, to never over mix, because that's the one thing that's gonna lead to a really tough, not moist cake."

Easy as!

Listen to Jordan Rondell's full interview with Jono and Ben above.

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