Dave Letele opens up about his new show 'Heavyweight' - out now on TVNZ+
Community champion Dave Letele hopes his story of kicking an addiction to booze and turning his back on gang life can inspire others to follow in his footsteps.
The community advocate and “Local Hero of the Year”, Letele (Ngāti Maniapoto, Samoa) will take viewers on a powerful and real-life journey on Heavyweight with Dave Letele, the first episide is available to watch now on TVNZ+.
Letele told the Herald stories of “brown people having choices” with addiction, obesity and gang life was a fallacy and the reality is, those issues are intergenerational and not optional.
The one-hour special delves into aspects of Letele’s unique life story, with a particular focus on the impact of alcohol and addiction. Letele interviews a wide range of guests who provide context to this challenging subject, including former All Black Zac Guildford, who said this was his most “authentic interview about his addictions” he has ever given.
“There has never been anything like this on TV before,” Letele told the Herald.

“This is not just my journey from addictions and gang life but guys like Zac Guilford, who opened up completely about how his life, like mine, spiraled out of control.
“They talk about us Māori and Polynesians making bad choices, but for many its not even a choice. It’s a way of life - the booze, the drugs, the gang life.”
On the show, esteemed psychiatrist Hinemoa Elder puts a Māori lens over addictions and Police Commissioner Andrew Coster talks about policing problems that stem from booze and drug-addicted parents.
“I talk to Police Commissioner Coster asking why, especially Māori kids’ first interaction with police is not pleasant because the cops are normally coming into their homes hot and heavy looking for their parents.”
From his own background in gangs, violence, crime, addiction and obesity, Letele understands the challenges faced by many in our communities. Born the son of a notorious Mongrel Mob leader, he rose to prominence as a professional rugby league player and a high-profile boxer.
Overcoming his struggle with obesity, Letele embarked on a remarkable 100kg weight-loss journey and founded Buttabean Motivation (BBM), which has positively impacted the lives of thousands of fellow New Zealanders. His inspirational story and dedication to his community led to him being named Kiwibank New Zealand Local Hero of the Year in 2022, Te Pou Toko o te Tau for Tāmaki Makaurau.
“The stories in Heavyweight are real, honest and very uncomfortable at times to be honest. But, it is important that they are shared,” he said.
“Whilst not a journalist, I think my life experience provides a unique perspective and understanding. I’m humbled that people want to share their story with me. I recognise my own journey in many of the stories told, whilst others demonstrate that there are many points of connection - even when backgrounds and experiences are different.”
Heavyweight with Dave Letele can be viewed on TVNZ+
This article was first published by the NZ Herald and is republished here with permission.