24 Things All '90s Technology Users Will Remember

Publish Date
Monday, 11 April 2016, 3:02PM

With the 300 Best Bangerz of the 90s playing across The Hits ALL WEEK, we take a look back at the most popular technology we used in the 90s! (many of which are now obsolete).

How many do you remember?

1. The start-up sound of Windows became increasingly majestic every year:

2. If you wanted to use the internet, you had to listen to the sound of a robot having some sort of mental breakdown.

3. MSN Messenger was our life.

4. The cool people who DID have phones, looked like this:

5. Everyone's screen names looked like this: ~*dARkAnGel86*~

6. Or they were song lyrics that totally related to our lives.

7. Your whole world could be made or broken by a single emoticon. (Yes emoticon, because they weren't called emoji back then).

8. When you could hear the footsteps of a family member approaching, you would hold the enter button down until they entered so the screen was blank when they came in.

9. When you were FINALLY allowed a mobile, it looked like this:

10. The only game we could play on our phones was SNAKE. And we all LOVED it.


12. And the greatest moment of all time was getting a high score on Tetris.

13. This was our Instagram:

14. You had to pass notes in class because you couldn't WhatsApp each other. Which was actually pretty amazing because sometimes you find one at home and you feel 13 again.

15. Sky & Freeview looked like this:

16. Our music was on TAPE that you had to rewind to the start every time you wanted to listen to it.

17. You could spend a good twenty minutes just threading tape back into your cassette and winding the little wheels round with your finger if it got pulled out in a freak ejecting accident.

18. This was our iTunes; a Walkman, which was actually really impractical to walk around with:

19. The struggles of only being able to text others who were on the same mobile network as you (it was either Vodafone or Telecom!). You may have even resorted to having two phones to ensure you didn't miss out on any fun!

20. You were so thrifty, that you would spend hours of heart-stopping attempts recording songs off the radio. Pressing play and record at the EXACT optimum moment after the DJ had stopped talking was a huge task.

21. HitClips were our 'iPods':

22. Palm Pilots were our smartphones.

23. We didn't have USBs, we had Floppy Discs!

24. KidPix!!



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