Cheap, easy life hacks guaranteed to repel flies
1/8 An old, scratched CD: Perhaps the least expensive, this unique trick scares flies away. Simply hang an unwanted CD on your deck or a nearby tree. While you might think this sounds crazy, it’s been known to scare the flies off due to the reflective nature of the CD.
2/8 Apple cider vinegar: An easy and extremely inexpensive method is to use apple cider vinegar to trap the flies. Place apple cider vinegar in a shallow jar or glass. Cover the jar with plastic wrap and punch holes in the top of it. Place these jars on the outskirts of where you’ll be spending your time.
3/8 Cotton balls, vanilla extract, and mint: This repellent might have a couple of steps, but it works. Put two cotton balls in the bottom of a shallow jar. Cover the cotton balls with about four tablespoons of vanilla extract. Top the jar with fresh mint, and cover with muslin. Place the jars next to a bowl of fresh, ripe fruit and the flies will still steer clear.
4/8 Vodka and clove in a spray bottle: Sure, you can purchase expensive bug sprays, but who wants the smell of chemicals around your house? Here, just fill a small spray bottle with some vodka and a little bit of lavender or clove. Spray the mixture around the trouble areas to keep your outdoor evenings free of pests.
5/8 Essential oils: This spray bottle method works the same as the vodka method, but doesn’t require having alcohol around the house. Fill the bottle with half water and half vinegar, and splash in 15 drops of essential oils like mint, lemon, lavender, citronella, or eucalyptus. Spray the house or the porch liberally so you can kick your feet up bug-free.
6/8 Garlic, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper powder: Another perfect barrier to protect your home is this mixture of powder. Simply sprinkle the powder around the foundation of your home to create an invisible force shield that will keep those pesky flies far away.
7/8 Citronella and coconut oil: Keep the flies away with oil! Drop 20–30 drops of citronella oil into a bowl of 1 1/2 cups of coconut oil. Mix thoroughly and use the mixture to fill little jars or tins. Place the tins around the trouble spots to enjoy a fly-free evening.
8/8 Coins and water in a Ziplock bag: This is by far one of the easiest fly deterrents. Simply fill a resealable Ziplock bag with water and drop in 4 or 5 coins. Flies are scared off by what they perceive to be a large body of water and become confused by the reflection of the sunlight hitting the water and the coins. Hang the bag on your deck or from a nearby tree.
It's that time of year again! But don't worry, we've found a selection of shockingly easy ways to keep the flies away without having to cover ourselves in bug spray. These natural repellents are so simple and inexpensive. In fact, we have most of the ingredients in our cupboards already. Check out our cheap do-it-yourself bug repellents here...