21 Terrifying Photos That Will Reveal Your Phobias
1/21 Does this photo make your knees tremble? If so, you might have megalaphobia, the fear of large things.
2/21 Does this make you want to scream? Then you might have ophidiophobia, fear of snakes.
3/21 Is this ALMOST TOO MUCH TO HANDLE?! Then you might have claustrophobia, the fear of confined spaces.
4/21 Does this make you want to just run back to bed and hide under your sheets? Then you might have agyrophobia, the fear of crossing streets.
5/21 Are you about to pass out at the sight of this? Then you might have thalassophobia, fear of the sea (and especially hidden creatures and structures underneath its surface).
6/21 Does this make your skin crawl? Then you might have trypophobia, the fear of clusters or patterns of holes.
7/21 Is this enough to bring you to tears? Then you might have mycophobia, fear of mushrooms.
8/21 Does this make you dizzy? Then you might have acrophobia, fear of heights.
9/21 Does this send shivers down your spine? Then you might have spectrophobia, fear of mirrors.
10/21 Is this your hell?????? Then you might have coulrophobia, fear of clowns.
11/21 Does this make you cower in fear? Then you might have dendrophobia, fear of forests or trees.
12/21 Do you look at this and think, “aaahahaa NOPE!” Then you might have gephyrophobia, fear of bridges.
13/21 Will this image haunt you for years? Then you might have pediophobia, fear of dolls.
14/21 Does this give you the jitters? Then you might have homichlophobia, fear of fog.
15/21 Does this leave you in a cold sweat? Then you might have ochlophobia, fear of crowds.
16/21 Does this scare THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS out of you? Then you might have trypanophobia, fear of needles or injections.
17/21 Does this give you the heebie-jeebies? Then you might have omphalophobia, fear of belly buttons.
18/21 Is this the stuff of your nightmares? Then you might have pteronophobia, fear of being tickled.
19/21 Does this make your stomach drop? Then you might have astrophobia, fear of stars or space.
20/21 Does this fill your heart with terror? Then you might have melissophobia, fear of bees.
21/21 And does this just CREEP YOU THE F OUT? Then I’m sorry to tell you that you might have ephebiphobia, fear of teens.
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