Watch As SpaceX Successfully Launches & Lands Its First Reusable Rocket

Publish Date
Wednesday, 23 December 2015, 7:59AM
Image: SpaceX successfully lands its first reusable rocket/Getty Images

Image: SpaceX successfully lands its first reusable rocket/Getty Images

SpaceX is officially back in the rocket-flying business.

The company launched a Falcon rocket Monday night with 11 small satellites on board, its first mission since a devastating accident last summer.


For the first time, SpaceX intended to fly its leftover booster back to Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. Previous landing attempts, none of them successful, used an ocean platform.

SpaceX is hoisting the satellites for OrbComm, a New Jersey-based communication company.

On its previous flight back in June, SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket failed shortly after liftoff, destroying a supply ship intended for the International Space Station. A snapped strut in the upper stage was to blame. SpaceX spent months correcting the problem and improving the unmanned rocket. It hopes to resume supply runs for NASA in February.

- NZ Herald

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