Are you depressed? 10 strategies to help lift your mood
- Publish Date
- Thursday, 11 May 2017, 11:37AM
We all feel down from time-to-time – it's a natural part of life and usually nothing to be concerned about.
However, sometimes these low periods can seem to stretch and start to affect your life, the Daily Mail reports.Â
Sometimes it can difficult for people to accept that they are depressed, and studies have shown that many people - especially men - will mask their symptoms out of a sense of shame.
There has been much research recently highlighting men are at risk but women are actually twice as likely to develop depression than men.
While you should see your doctor if you feel hopeless, have lost weight for no apparent reason or can no longer enjoy usual activities, if you're simply feeling a bit low then these tips might help to lift your mood and if you still feel blue do make an appointment with your doctor.
1. Go for a walk
There is a vast amount of research that shows exercise can lift mood. You needn't splash out on a gym membership though, a short walk around your local neighbourhood can be enough to make you feel more positive. And you don't even need to expect it to work! Researchers at Iowa State University have shown that it doesn't matter where or why people walked – simply getting up and putting on foot in front of the other can boost mood.
2. Get some light
Natural, outdoor light not only helps regulate our circadian rhythm which aids sleep, it also provides us with vitamin D. People who are deficient in vitamin D often feel tired and low, especially after a long winter. Help your body to raise its vitamin D levels by spending times outdoors – even on an overcast day you'll benefit from the natural light.
3. Stand tall
Hunching over a keyboard all day can affect our posture, and this huddled look may not only contribute to feeling blue but also send out signals to others to stay away. Yoga and Pilates postures that help open-up the chest and lift the head are known to brighten mood. And having an open body posture will welcome others rather than keep possible friends away.
4. Ditch the sugary snacks
Although high-sugar foods like sweets and cakes can make us feel good initially, this rush of sugar triggers a later crash. Low blood sugar can contribute to feeling down which then leads to a vicious cycle as having low blood sugar can make you crave sweet snacks. Break this cycle by eating regular, healthy meals that fill you up.
5. Phone a friend
Or better yet, arrange to see a mate. The support of others helps not only with mood, but can offer us practical and emotional support that allows us to cope with life's downs. In this age of technology, it may seem better to scroll social media or send a text but that can make you feel worse. Talking, even just about the weather, can create a sense of connectedness that is vital for emotional health.
6. Try St John's Wort
This traditional herbal remedy has been used for centuries to lift mood and is also backed by research studies. In people with mild-to-moderate depression, St John's Wort has been shown to be as effective as anti-depressants. However, if you are taking other medicines do have a chat with your doctor or pharmacists as this remedy can interact with certain drugs.Â
7. Read a book
Bibliotherapy, or therapy via reading, is now endorsed by NHS England and Public Health England through the Reading Well Books on Prescription scheme. This scheme has reviewed and recommends books for a range of mental health issues including depression and anxiety. The books on the Reading Well list are available at public libraries so it shouldn't cost you a penny to access the material.
8. Get nostalgic
Instead of "being in the moment", think about the past. Taking a trip down memory can help to combat feelings of isolation which can lead to feeling sad. The benefits don't stop there, however – researchers in China discovered that there really is some truth in a "heart-warming memories". They used music to trigger nostalgic feelings and found that people reported feeling physically warmer. So, if you're feeling low or cold, dig out some old CDs or vinyl and let the music wash over you.
9. Brush and floss
It may seem odd that dental hygiene is mentioned here but research has shown is a consistent relationship between periodontal disease and depression. Going to the dentist may be the last thing you want to do if you feel down, but depression can weaken your immune system, which in turn can hamper dental health. This could, in turn, can result in tooth loss which has a profound and negative effect on life. To avoid this Dr Uchenna Okoye from London Smiling says "Practice good dental hygiene by brushing twice daily flossing at least every other day and make sure you go for a regular hygienist visit."
10. Embrace your years
Although how we view ourselves, and our bodies, may change as we age, this needn't be negative and pre-occupying. American researchers have shown that how people perceive ageing is related to low mood. People that accept and incorporate negative views about ageing, feel more depressed. Therefore, seek out positive messages and tips on feeling and looking good.
Where to get help:
• Lifeline: 0800 543 354 (available 24/7)
• Suicide Crisis Helpline: 0508 828 865 (0508 TAUTOKO) (available 24/7)
• Youthline: 0800 376 633
• Kidsline: 0800 543 754 (available 24/7)
• Whatsup: 0800 942 8787 (Mon-Fri 1pm to 10pm. Sat-Sun 3pm-10pm)
• Depression helpline: 0800 111 757 (available 24/7)
• Rainbow Youth: (09) 376 4155
• Samaritans 0800 726 666
• If it is an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111
This article was first published on Daily Mail and is republished here with permission.